

About me...

From age 13 to 20 I struggled with violence, drug dealing and heavy drug/alcohol addiction. In 2016 I had an intense spiritual awakening and began studying various philosophies, spiritual traditions and methods from around the world.

I Grew up in Northwest Indiana. As a child, although having wonderful parents and family, I experienced a lot of anxiety, self consciousness, depression and unworthiness. From age 13 to 20 I struggled with violence, drug dealing and heavy drug/alcohol addiction. In 2016 I had an intense spiritual awakening and began studying various philosophies, spiritual traditions and methods from around the world. I was taken deep into the mystical love and wisdom of the great saints, yogi’s and avatars from around the world. I do a wide variety of spiritual practices and am apart of many communities. 

When I had that initial awakening of spirit the first thing that became clear to me was the unity of what all of these teachers were saying and that the true identity of each individual life form is no different than that of God. I see life as the ultimate lila, or play of God, in which we have come into form to experience this dance. The dance is filled with unimaginable joy and unthinkable sorrow. Here we are. As my beloved teacher Ram Dass says – Be Here Now and We are All Just Walking Each Other Home. Love is the strongest medicine, it is even more powerful than electricity – Neem Karoli Baba

All action takes place by the interweaving of the forces of nature, but man and his selfish delusion thinks himself the act
- Krishna Bhagavad Gita
You can plan for 100 years but you don’t know what will happen tomorrow.
- Neem Karoli Baba
Look at the Sun - nothing in this whole world is as strange as the sun - how much more so the sun of the Soul? It has no yesterday.
- Rumi
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Patreon support allows me to continue doing and growing this work so that we can reach more people and share the spirit of love. At this time my Patreon following is not large enough for me to post regular content on there exclusively but as it builds I will be posting on it more and more. Thank you so much for your support and may all blessings be upon you!